Due to COVID-19, most court functions in the state have been suspended. In addition, our office is working remotely. For assistance, please email esr@mmzlaw.com with your contact information and the legal matter you need help with and someone will be in touch. If you are seeking help regarding a Will, Financial, or Health Care Power of Attorney, every effort will be made to respond as quickly as possible.

6 of Your Biggest Questions About Drunk Driving Accidents

Responsible driver stopping a friend from drunk driving

Because we spend so much time in our vehicles—commuting, driving kids to school and activities, traveling to visit friends and family members—one of the most common ways people are seriously injured today is in car accidents. While crashes less frequently involve drunk driving now than they did many years ago—thanks to tougher penalties for DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances) and overall better education about why it’s a bad idea to drink and drive—drunk driving accidents are still unfortunately common.

Today’s blog post answers some of the major questions that people have about drunk driving accidents, including how to protect themselves from becoming a victim in one of these tragic personal injury or wrongful death incidents. However, if you’ve already been involved in a drunk driving accident, we have essential advice for you, too. Read on for more.

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What is Probate When It Comes to Estate Planning

probate written on puzzle piece

Your Complete Guide to Estate Planning – CHAPTER 7

As we’ve established throughout earlier chapters in our Complete Guide to Estate Planning, the prospect of probating a friend or family member’s estate can be scary.

There are many steps involved in opening probate, determining whether you’ll be required to undertake the formal process (versus Pennsylvania’s simplified probate process for estates with assets totaling less than $50,000), and then moving through the appropriate version of the process itself.

Very complex estates may remain in probate for years. And while the good news is that these situations tend to be few and far between, taking a DIY approach to probating an estate of any size is not often a good idea. You can save yourself frustration and time by consulting with an experienced probate and estates attorney.

Our previous blog post outlining the phases of probate in Pennsylvania—and what you can expect as you move through this legal process—is a must-read if you’ve recently been placed in a fiduciary role as a personal representative for a friend or family member’s estate.

But how do you make even a lengthy probate process as painless as possible? Today’s post offers a few important steps you can take to survive probate with minimal frustration.

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